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Essure TM Early Pregnancy Quality Test

Patent Product
CFDA licensed SXZZ20152400636                         \                            
For self-testing and the professional use
Essure TM Early Pregnancy Quality Test is a lateral flow immunoassay for the simultaneous detection and differentiation of hCG and β-hCG core fragments in the urine, designed for monitoring pregnancy quality in 5 or 10 minutes by color comparison of T1 and T2 test line, in the aid of early diagnosis of a normal pregnancy or not, helps for ectopic pregnancy or threatened abortion evaluation. Any reactive specimen with the ESSURE TM Early Pregnancy Quality Test must be confirmed with alternative testing method(s) such as Blood, PCR or Ultrasonic Testing etc.
Results in 5 -10 minutes ( Elisa 1or2 hours, PCR much longer)
Easy operation
No instrument needed
High specificity
Test Method:
Every other 3 days for 3 consecutive weeks, total 6 times
The 1st day, 5th day, 9th day, 13th day, 17thday, 21st day
Reading Results
     Jpg 1         Jpg 2               Jpg 3                Jpg 4                Jpg 5
Jpg 1  Negative-not pregnant
The presence of one red line in the control window (C) means probably not pregnant.
Jpg 2   Positive-pregnant
The presence of 2 red lines in the control window( C) and the Test Window ( T2) ,means probably pregnant.
Jpg 3  Normal Pregnancy
The presence of 3 red lines both in the control window( C) and the Test Window ( T1 and T2) , if T1 is close or as same as T2, means normal pregnant.
Jpg 4   Abnormal with risks of ectopic pregnancy or threatened abortion
The presence of 2 or 3 red lines in the control window( C) and the Test Windows ( T1 and T2) , if T1 is obviously lighter than T2 or not shown up, means abnormal pregnant.
Jpg 5   Invalid
The result is invalid if no red line appears in the control window(C) even if 1 or 2 lines appears in T1, or/and T2 window, shall repeat the test with a new one.

04.11 2016    POST VIEWS: